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Find Your Way Forward

Counselling can help you gain the strength you need to cope with life’s ups and downs.

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Meet Lisa Houston

In case no one told you today: you’re doing a beautiful job. You are alive for a reason and are much stronger than you think. The critic in your head is lying. You are needed more than you know. You have the power to change it all so don’t give up; it will get better. Just take one day at a time.

Through counselling and coaching, I support individuals, couples and families through many issues such as relationship troubles, bereavement, depression, stress and anger.

I feel fortunate to be able to help people relax and open up about what’s troubling them. It truly is a gift. If you are able to feel vulnerable and talk openly, then you are on your way to healing.


Counselling can help you with:

Relationship Conflict

  • Arguments
  • Infidelity
  • Broken trust

Depression & Anxiety

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Patterns of behaviour

Family Therapy

  • Strained familial relationships
  • Parenting issues
  • Children

Life can bring many difficulties our way.

Relationship problems, family disputes, depression, and grief can all impact and consume us at different life stages. Sometimes we realise that we have a problem that won’t go away or that we have battled through and cannot cope any longer without seeking help.

Therapy can be a transforming experience as long as you are working with the right person. Your circumstances are individual, and I want to help and support with whatever is troubling you.


Get in touch for an initial chat, further information or to book an appointment and decide for yourself if it feels comfortable.

Call us on 0751 8883402
